Publications 2017
Bedioune, I., P. Bobin, J. Leroy, R. Fischmeister and G. Vandecasteele.Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases and Compartmentation in Normal and Diseased Heart.
Microdomains in the Cardiovascular System. V. Nikolaev and M. Zaccolo. Cham, Springer International Publishing: 97-116.
Belacel-Ouari, M., L. Zhang, F. Hubert, R. Assaly, R. Gerbier, R. Jockers, F. Dauphin, P. Lechene, R. Fischmeister, B. Manoury and V. Leblais.
Influence of cell confluence on the cAMP signalling pathway in vascular smooth muscle cells.
Cellular Signalling 35: 118-128.
Corbineau, S., M. Breton, J. Mialet-Perez and J. F. Costemale-Lacoste.
Major depression and heart failure: Interest of monoamine oxidase inhibitors."
International Journal of Cardiology 247: 1-6.
Gomez-Hurtado, N., A. Dominguez-Rodriguez, P. Mateo, M. Fernandez-Velasco, A. Val-Blasco, R. Aizpun, J. Sabourin, A. M. Gomez, J. P. Benitah and C. Delgado.
Beneficial effects of leptin treatment in a setting of cardiac dysfunction induced by transverse aortic constriction in mouse
Journal of Physiology-London 595(13): 4227-4243.
Margaria, J. P. J. P., S. Karam, P. Mateo, A. Varin, J. Vinck, C. Rubinetto, F. Balzac, C. Rucker-Martin, A. Ghigo, G. Vandecasteele, E. Turco, E. Hirsch, R. Fischmeister and J. Leroy.
Cardiac gene therapy with phosphodiesterases PDE2A and PDE4B in a mouse model of heart failure
European Journal of Heart Failure 19: 166-166.
Piquereau, J., M. Moulin, G. Zurlo, P. Mateo, M. Gressette, J. L. Paul, C. Lemaire, R. Ventura-Clapier, V. Veksler and A. Garnier
Cobalamin and folate protect mitochondrial and contractile functions in a murine model of cardiac pressure overload.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 102: 34-44.
Salah, A., C. Bouaziz, A. Prola, J. P. Da Silva, H. Bacha, S. Abid-Essefi and C. Lemaire
Citrinin induces apoptosis in human HCT116 colon cancer cells through endoplasmic reticulum stress.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues 80(23-24): 1230-1241.
Vettel, C., M. Lindner, M. Dewenter, K. Lorenz, C. Schanbacher, M. Riedel, S. Lammle, S. Meinecke, F. E. Mason, S. Sossalla, A. Geerts, M. Hoffmann, F. Wunder, F. J. Brunner, T. Wieland, H. Mehel, S. Karam, P. Lechene, J. Leroy, G. Vandecasteele, M. Wagner, R. Fischmeister and A. El-Armouche
Phosphodiesterase 2 Protects Against Catecholamine-Induced Arrhythmia and Preserves Contractile Function After Myocardial Infarction.
Circulation Research 120(1): 120-+.
Wang, Z., C. Figueiredo-Pereira, C. Oudot, H. L. Vieira and C. Brenner
Mitochondrion: A Common Organelle for Distinct Cell Deaths?
Int Rev Cell Mol Biol 331: 245-287.
Ben Salem I, Boussabbeh M, Pires Da Silva J, Guilbert A, Bacha H, Abid-Essefi S and Lemaire C.
SIRT1 protects cardiac cells against apoptosis induced by Zearalenone or its metabolites α- and -Zearalenol through an autophagy-dependent pathway.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 314:82-90 (2017)
Prola A, Pires Da Silva J, Guilbert A, Ribeiro M, Lecru L, Piquereau J, Mateo P, Gressette M, Fortin D, Boursier C, Gallerne C, Caillard A, Samuel JL, François H, Sinclair DA, Eid P, Ventura-Clapier R, Garnier A and Lemaire C.
SIRT1 protects the heart from ER stress-induced cell death through eIF2α deacetylation
Cell Death Diff 24:343-356 (2017)
Cassard, A. M. and D. Ciocan
Microbiota, a key player in alcoholic liver disease
Clin Mol Hepatol.
Freitas, C., M. Wittner, J. Nguyen, V. Rondeau, V. Biajoux, M.-L. Aknin, F. Gaudin, S. Beaussant-Cohen, Y. Bertrand, C. Bellanné-Chantelot, J. Donadieu, F. Bachelerie, M. Espéli, A. Dalloul, F. Louache and K. Balabanian
Lymphoid differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells requires efficient Cxcr4 desensitization.
The Journal of Experimental Medicine 214(7): 2023-2040.
Grander, C., T. E. Adolph, V. Wieser, P. Lowe, L. Wrzosek, B. Gyongyosi, D. V. Ward, F. Grabherr, R. R. Gerner, A. Pfister, B. Enrich, D. Ciocan, S. Macheiner, L. Mayr, M. Drach, P. Moser, A. R. Moschen, G. Perlemuter, G. Szabo, A. M. Cassard and H. Tilg
Recovery of ethanol-induced Akkermansia muciniphila depletion ameliorates alcoholic liver disease.
Ferrere G, Wrzosek L, Cailleux F, Turpin W, Puchois V, Spatz M, Ciocan D, Rainteau D, Humbert L, Hugot C, Gaudin F, Noordine ML, Robert V, Berrebi D, Thomas M, Naveau S, Perlemuter G, Cassard AM.
Fecal microbiota manipulation prevents dysbiosis and alcohol-induced liver injury in mice. J.
Hepatology, Apr;66(4):806-815, 2017.
Smith, N., N. Pietrancosta, S. Davidson, J. Dutrieux, J. Munch, A. Wack, S. Nisole and J. P. Herbeuval.
Natural amines inhibit activation of human plasmacytoid dendritic cells through CXCR4 engagement.
Cytokine 100: 118-118
Hamze, M., S. Meunier, A. Karle, A. Gdoura, A. Goudet, N. Szely, M. Pallardy, F. Carbonnel, S. Spindeldreher, X. Mariette, C. Miceli-Richard and B. Maillère .
Characterization of CD4 T Cell Epitopes of Infliximab and Rituximab Identified from Healthy Donors."
Frontiers in Immunology 8: 500.
Berthelot, E., D. Montani, V. Algalarrondo, C. Dreyfuss, R. Rifai, A. Benmalek, X. Jais, A. Bouchachi, L. Savale, G. Simonneau, D. Chemla, M. Humbert, O. Sitbon and P. Assayag
A Clinical and Echocardiographic Score to Identify Pulmonary Hypertension Due to HFpEF.
J Card Fail 23(1): 29-35.
Boucly, A., V. Cottin, H. Nunes, X. Jais, A. Tazi, G. Prevot, M. Reynaud-Gaubert, C. Dromer, C. Viacroze, D. Horeau-Langlard, C. Pison, E. Bergot, J. Traclet, J. Weatherald, G. Simonneau, D. Valeyre, D. Montani, M. Humbert, O. Sitbon and L. Savale
Management and long-term outcomes of sarcoidosis-associated pulmonary hypertension.
Eur Respir J 50(4).
Boucly, A., J. Weatherald, L. Savale, X. Jais, V. Cottin, G. Prevot, F. Picard, P. de Groote, M. Jevnikar, E. Bergot, A. Chaouat, C. Chabanne, A. Bourdin, F. Parent, D. Montani, G. Simonneau, M. Humbert and O. Sitbon
Risk assessment, prognosis and guideline implementation in pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Eur Respir J 50(2).
Galie, N., F. Grimminger, E. Grunig, M. M. Hoeper, M. Humbert, Z. C. Jing, A. M. Keogh, D. Langleben, L. J. Rubin, A. Fritsch, N. Davie and H. A. Ghofrani
Comparison of hemodynamic parameters in treatment-naive and pre-treated patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension in the randomized phase III PATENT-1 study
J Heart Lung Transplant 36(5): 509-519.
Ghofrani, H. A., M. Humbert, D. Langleben, R. Schermuly, J. P. Stasch, M. R. Wilkins and J. R. Klinger
Riociguat: Mode of Action and Clinical Development in Pulmonary Hypertension.
Chest 151(2): 468-480.
Godinas, L., C. Sattler, E. M. Lau, X. Jais, Y. Taniguchi, M. Jevnikar, J. Weatherald, O. Sitbon, L. Savale, D. Montani, G. Simonneau, M. Humbert, P. Laveneziana and G. Garcia
Dead-space ventilation is linked to exercise capacity and survival in distal chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 36(11): 1234-1242.
Humbert, M., M. Singh, D. E. Furst, D. Khanna and J. R. Seibold
Pulmonary hypertension related to systemic sclerosis: points to consider for clinical trials.
Rheumatology (Oxford) 56(suppl_5): v33-v37.
Montani, D., M. C. Chaumais, A. Seferian and M. Humbert
Mitomycin-induced pulmonary veno-occlusive disease: A rare but severe complication.
Bull Cancer 104(2): 202-204.
Montani, D., M.-C. Chaumais, A. Seferian and M. Humbert
La maladie veino-occlusive pulmonaire induite par la mitomycine : une complication rare mais sévère.
Bulletin du Cancer 104(2): 202-204.
Montani, D., B. Girerd, X. Jais, M. Levy, D. Amar, L. Savale, P. Dorfmuller, A. Seferian, E. M. Lau, M. Eyries, J. Le Pavec, F. Parent, D. Bonnet, F. Soubrier, E. Fadel, O. Sitbon, G. Simonneau and M. Humbert
Clinical phenotypes and outcomes of heritable and sporadic pulmonary veno-occlusive disease: a population-based study.
Lancet Respir Med 5(2): 125-134.
Montani, D., A. Seferian, F. Parent and M. Humbert
Immune checkpoint inhibitor-associated interstitial lung diseases: some progress but still many issues.
Eur Respir J 50(2).
Nakhleh, M. K., H. Amal, R. Jeries, Y. Y. Broza, M. Aboud, A. Gharra, H. Ivgi, S. Khatib, S. Badarneh, L. Har-Shai, L. Glass-Marmor, I. Lejbkowicz, A. Miller, S. Badarny, R. Winer, J. Finberg, S. Cohen-Kaminsky, F. Perros, D. Montani, B. Girerd, G. Garcia, G. Simonneau, F. Nakhoul, S. Baram, R. Salim, M. Hakim, M. Gruber, O. Ronen, T. Marshak, I. Doweck, O. Nativ, Z. Bahouth, D. Y. Shi, W. Zhang, Q. L. Hua, Y. Y. Pan, L. Tao, H. Liu, A. Karban, E. Koifman, T. Rainis, R. Skapars, A. Sivins, G. Ancans, I. Liepniece-Karele, I. Kikuste, I. Lasina, I. Tolmanis, D. Johnson, S. Z. Millstone, J. Fulton, J. W. Wells, L. H. Wilf, M. Humbert, M. Leja, N. Peled and H. Haick
Diagnosis and Classification of 17 Diseases from 1404 Subjects via Pattern Analysis of Exhaled Molecules.
ACS Nano 11(1): 112-125.
Nakhleh, M. K., H. Haick, M. Humbert and S. Cohen-Kaminsky.
Volatolomics of breath as an emerging frontier in pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Eur Respir J 49(2).
Noly, P. E., F. Haddad, J. Arthur-Ataam, N. Langer, P. Dorfmuller, F. Loisel, J. Guihaire, B. Decante, L. Lamrani, E. Fadel and O. Mercier.
The importance of capillary density-stroke work mismatch for right ventricular adaptation to chronic pressure overload.
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 154(6): 2070-2079.
Ranchoux, B., A. Bigorgne, A. Hautefort, B. Girerd, O. Sitbon, D. Montani, M. Humbert, C. Tcherakian and F. Perros
Gut-Lung Connection in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.
Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 56(3): 402-405.
Sankhe, S., S. Manousakidi, F. Antigny, J. Arthur Ataam, S. Bentebbal, Y. Ruchon, F. Lecerf, J. Sabourin, L. Price, E. Fadel, P. Dorfmuller, S. Eddahibi, M. Humbert, F. Perros and V. Capuano
T-type Ca(2+) channels elicit pro-proliferative and anti-apoptotic responses through impaired PP2A/Akt1 signaling in PASMCs from patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension."
Biochim Biophys Acta 1864(10): 1631-1641.
Savale, L., M. C. Chaumais, P. Dorfmuller, M. Humbert and D. Montani
Lung transplantation for mitomycin-induced pulmonary veno-occlusive disease."
Presse Med 46(12 Pt 1): 1223-1225.
Guignabert C, Bailly S, Humbert M.
Restoring BMPRII functions in pulmonary arterial hypertension: opportunities, challenges and limitations.
Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2017 Feb;21(2):181-190.
Bogaerts, P., T. Naas, V. Saegeman, R. A. Bonnin, A. Schuermans, S. Evrard, W. Bouchahrouf, T. Jove, D. Tande, X. de Bolle, T. D. Huang, L. Dortet and Y. Glupczynski (2017). "
OXA-427, a new plasmid-borne carbapenem-hydrolysing class D beta-lactamase in Enterobacteriaceae."
J Antimicrob Chemother 72(9): 2469-2477.
Bogaerts, P., S. Oueslati, D. Meunier, C. Nonhoff, S. Yunus, M. Massart, O. Denis, N. Woodford, K. L. Hopkins, T. Naas, L. Dortet, T.-D. Huang and Y. Glupczynski (2017). "
Multicentre evaluation of the BYG Carba v2.0 test, a simplified electrochemical assay for the rapid laboratory detection of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae."
Scientific Reports 7(1): 9937.
Bonnin, R. A., J. Didi, A. Ergani, S. Lima and T. Naas (2017). "
Chromosome-Encoded Broad-Spectrum Ambler Class A beta-Lactamase RUB-1 from Serratia rubidaea."
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 61(2).
Bonnin, R. A., A. B. Jousset, N. Urvoy, L. Gauthier, L. Tlili, E. Creton, G. Cotellon, F. Arthur, L. Dortet and T. Naas (2017). "
Detection of GES-5 Carbapenemase in Klebsiella pneumoniae, a Newcomer in France."
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 61(3).
Dortet, L., S. Bernabeu, C. Gonzalez and T. Naas (2017). "
Comparison of Two Phenotypic Algorithms To Detect Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae." Antimicrob Agents Chemother 61(8).
Ellington, M. J., O. Ekelund, F. M. Aarestrup, R. Canton, M. Doumith, C. Giske, H. Grundman, H. Hasman, M. T. G. Holden, K. L. Hopkins, J. Iredell, G. Kahlmeter, C. U. Köser, A. MacGowan, D. Mevius, M. Mulvey, T. Naas, T. Peto, J. M. Rolain, Ø. Samuelsen and N. Woodford (2017). "
The role of whole genome sequencing in antimicrobial susceptibility testing of bacteria: report from the EUCAST Subcommittee."
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 23(1): 2-22.
Gauthier, L., R. A. Bonnin, L. Dortet and T. Naas (2017). "
Retrospective and prospective evaluation of the Carbapenem inactivation method for the detection of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae."
PLoS One 12(2): e0170769.
Girlich, D., R. A. Bonnin, P. Bogaerts, M. De Laveleye, D. T. Huang, L. Dortet, P. Glaser, Y. Glupczynski and T. Naas (2017). "
Chromosomal Amplification of the blaOXA-58 Carbapenemase Gene in a Proteus mirabilis Clinical Isolate."
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 61(2).
Girlich, D., R. A. Bonnin, A. Jousset and T. Naas (2017). "
Promoter characterization and expression of the blaKPC-2 gene in Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii."
J Antimicrob Chemother 72(6): 1597-1601.
Glupczynski, Y., A. Jousset, S. Evrard, R. A. Bonnin, T. D. Huang, L. Dortet, P. Bogaerts and T. Naas (2017).
Prospective evaluation of the OKN K-SeT assay, a new multiplex immunochromatographic test for the rapid detection of OXA-48-like, KPC and NDM carbapenemases."
J Antimicrob Chemother 72(7): 1955-1960.
Hoyos-Mallecot, Y., T. Naas, R. A. Bonnin, R. Patino, P. Glaser, N. Fortineau and L. Dortet (2017).
OXA-244-Producing Escherichia coli Isolates, a Challenge for Clinical Microbiology Laboratories."
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 61(9).
Hoyos-Mallecot, Y., S. Ouzani, L. Dortet, N. Fortineau and T. Naas (2017).
Performance of the Xpert((R)) Carba-R v2 in the daily workflow of a hygiene unit in a country with a low prevalence of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae."
Int J Antimicrob Agents 49(6): 774-777.
Lahlaoui, H., R. A. Bonnin, M. B. Moussa, A. B. H. Khelifa and T. Naas (2017). "
First report of OXA-232-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae strains in Tunisia."
Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 88(2): 195-197.
Boutal, H., T. Naas, K. Devilliers, S. Oueslati, L. Dortet, S. Bernabeu, S. Simon and H. Volland (2017).
Development and Validation of a Lateral Flow Immunoassay for Rapid Detection of NDM-Producing Enterobacteriaceae."
J Clin Microbiol 55(7): 2018-2029
Naas, T., S. Oueslati, R. A. Bonnin, M. L. Dabos, A. Zavala, L. Dortet, P. Retailleau and B. I. Iorga (2017).
Beta-lactamase database (BLDB) – structure and function."
Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 32(1): 917-919.
Dortet, L., D. Girlich, A.-L. Virlouvet, L. Poirel, P. Nordmann, B. I. Iorga and T. Naas (2017).
Characterization of BRPMBL, the Bleomycin Resistance Protein Associated with the Carbapenemase NDM."
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 61(3).
Martins, I., S. Q. Raza, L. Voisin, H. Dakhli, F. Law, D. De Jong, A. Allouch, M. Thoreau, C. Brenner, E. Deutsch and J. L. Perfettini (2017). "
Entosis: The emerging face of non-cell-autonomous type IV programmed death."
Biomedical Journal 40(3): 133-140.p8/2
Wu, Q., A. Allouch, I. Martins, C. Brenner, N. Modjtahedi, E. Deutsch and J. L. Perfettini (2017).
"Modulating Both Tumor Cell Death and Innate Immunity Is Essential for Improving Radiation Therapy Effectiveness."
Front Immunol 8: 613. P8/2
Wu, Q. J., A. Allouch, A. Paoletti, C. Leteur, C. Mirjolet, I. Martins, L. Voisin, F. Law, H. Dakhli, E. Mintet, M. Thoreau, Z. Muradova, M. Gauthier, O. Caron, F. Milliat, D. M. Ojcius, F. Rosselli, E. Solary, N. Modjtahedi, E. Deutsch and J. L. Perfettini (2017). "
NOX2-dependent ATM kinase activation dictates pro-inflammatory macrophage phenotype and improves effectiveness to radiation therapy."
Cell Death and Differentiation 24(9): 1632-1644.
Amson, R., C. Auclair, F. Andre, J. Karp and A. Telerman (2017). "
Targeting TCTP with Sertraline and Thioridazine in Cancer Treatment."
Results Probl Cell Differ 64: 283-290.
Bonhoure, A., A. Vallentin, M. Martin, A. Senff-Ribeiro, R. Amson, A. Telerman and M. Vidal (2017).
Acetylation of translationally controlled tumor protein promotes its degradation through chaperone-mediated autophagy."
European Journal of Cell Biology 96(2): 83-98.
Telerman, A. and R. Amson (2017).
Introduction: How We Encountered TCTP and Our Purpose in Studying It."
Results Probl Cell Differ 64: 1-8.
Ferrandez, Y., W. H. Zhang, F. Peurois, L. Akendengue, A. Blangy, M. Zeghouf and J. Cherfils (2017). "
Allosteric inhibition of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor DOCK5 by a small molecule."
Scientific Reports 7.
Gilardin, L., S. Delignat, I. Peyron, M. Ing, Y. C. Lone, B. Gangadharan, B. Michard, Y. Kherabi, M. Sharma, A. Pashov, J. B. Latouche, M. Hamieh, O. Toutirais, P. Loiseau, L. Galicier, A. Veyradier, S. Kaveri, B. Maillere, P. Coppo and S. Lacroix-Desmazes (2017). "
The ADAMTS13(1239-1253) peptide is a dominant HLA-DR1-restricted CD4(+) T-cell epitope
Haematologica 102(11): 1833-1841.
Gupta, N., R. Noël, A. Goudet, K. Hinsinger, A. Michau, V. Pons, H. Abdelkafi, T. Secher, A. Shima, O. Shtanko, Y. Sakurai, S. Cojean, S. Pomel, V. Liévin-Le Moal, V. Leignel, J.-A. Herweg, A. Fischer, L. Johannes, K. Harrison, P. M. Beard, P. Clayette, R. Le Grand, J. O. Rayner, T. Rudel, J. Vacus, P. M. Loiseau, R. A. Davey, E. Oswald, J.-C. Cintrat, J. Barbier and D. Gillet (2017). "
Inhibitors of retrograde trafficking active against ricin and Shiga toxins also protect cells from several viruses, Leishmania and Chlamydiales."
Chemico-Biological Interactions 267(Supplement C): 96-103.
Sigaux, J., M. Hamze, C. Daien, J. Morel, R. Krzysiek, M. Pallardy, B. Maillere, X. Mariette and C. Miceli-Richard (2017). "
Immunogenicity of tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis."
Joint Bone Spine 84(1): 39-45.
Dai, W. W., Y. Wu, J. P. Bi, X. T. Lu, A. Hou, Y. Zhou, B. Sun, W. Kong, J. Barbier, J. C. Cintrat, F. Gao, D. Gillet, W. H. Su and C. L. Jiang (2017). "
Antiviral effects of Retro-2(cycl) and Retro-2.1 against Enterovirus 71 in vitro and in vivo."
Antiviral Research 144: 311-321.
Wu, Y., V. Pons, A. Goudet, L. Panigai, A. Fischer, J.-A. Herweg, S. Kali, R. A. Davey, J. Laporte, C. Bouclier, R. Yousfi, C. Aubenque, G. Merer, E. Gobbo, R. Lopez, C. Gillet, S. Cojean, M. R. Popoff, P. Clayette, R. Le Grand, C. Boulogne, N. Tordo, E. Lemichez, P. M. Loiseau, T. Rudel, D. Sauvaire, J.-C. Cintrat, D. Gillet and J. Barbier (2017). "
ABMA, a small molecule that inhibits intracellular toxins and pathogens by interfering with late endosomal compartments." Scientific Reports 7(1): 15567
Bzeih, T., D. Lamaa, G. Frison, A. Hachem, N. Jaber, J. Bignon, P. Retailleau, M. Alami and A. Hamze (2017).
Csp(2)-Csp(2) and Csp(2)-N Bond Formation in a One-Pot Reaction between N-Tosylhydrazones and Bromonitrobenzenes: An Unexpected Cyclization to Substituted Indole Derivatives.
Organic Letters 19(24): 6700-6703.
Yuan, L. Z., A. Hamze, M. Alami and O. Provot (2017).
Synthesis of Substituted Benzils from Diarylalkyne Oxidation.
Synthesis-Stuttgart 49(3): 504-525
Yuan, L. Z., G. Zhao, A. Hamze, M. Alami and O. Provot (2017).
Chlorotrimethylsilane and Sodium Iodide: A Useful Combination for the Regioselective Deoxygenation of Arylalkyl-alpha-Diketones
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 359(15): 2682-2691.
Clarisse, D., P. Prakash, V. Geertsen, F. Miserque, E. Gravel and E. Doris (2017).
Aqueous 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions promoted by copper nanoparticles in polydiacetylene micelles."
Green Chemistry 19(13): 3112-3115.
P. Prakash, E. Gravel, D.V. Nguyen, I.N.N. Namboothiri, E. Doris (2017).
Direct and co-catalytic oxidation of hydroxylamines to nitrones promoted by rhodium nanoparticles supported on carbon nanotubes."
ChemCatChem 9: 2091-2094.
D.V. Nguyen, E. Gravel, D.A. Buisson, M. Nicolas, E. Doris (2017).
Enantioselective synthesis of a cyclobutane analogue of Milnacipran.
Org. Chem. Front. 4 : 1276-1280.
Saint Cricq, J. Carrete, C. Gaboriaud, E. Gravel, E. Doris, N. Thielens, N. Mingo, W. L. Ling (2017).
Human immune protein selectively disaggregates carbon nanotubes.
Nano Lett. 17: 3409-3415.
P. Prakash, V. Geertsen, F. Miserque, I.N.N. Namboothiri, E. Gravel, E. Doris.
Selective conversion of nitroarenes to N-aryl hydroxylamines by carbon nanotube-supported nickel(II) hydroxide.
ChemistrySelect 2: 5891-5894.
Domanski, J., O. Beckstein and B. I. Iorga (2017). "
Ligandbook: an online repository for small and drug-like molecule force field parameters."
Bioinformatics 33(11): 1747-1749.
Norsikian, S., M. Beretta, A. Cannillo, M. Auvray, A. Martin, P. Retailleau, B. I. Iorga and J. M. Beau (2017).
Stereoselective Synthesis of 1,2-trans-Diamines Using the Three-Component Borono-Mannich Condensation - Reaction Scope and Mechanistic Insights."
European Journal of Organic Chemistry(14): 1940-1951.
Romero, E., C. Minard, M. Benchekroun, S. Ventre, P. Retailleau, R. H. Dodd and K. Cariou (2017).
"Base-Mediated Generation of Ketenimines from Ynamides: Direct Access to Azetidinimines by an Imino-Staudinger Synthesis."
Chemistry-a European Journal 23(53): 12991-12994.
Selwa, E. and B. L. Iorga (2017).
"In Silico Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles with Applications in Drug Delivery."
Control of Amphiphile Self-Assembling at the Molecular Level: Supra-Molecular Assemblies with Tuned Physicochemical Properties for Delivery Applications 1271: 95-113.
Zahid, A., R. Jaber, F. Laggoun, A. Lehner, I. Remy-Jouet, O. Pamlard, S. Beaupierre, J. Leprince, M. L. Follet-Gueye, M. Vicre-Gibouin, X. Latour, V. Richard, C. Guillou, P. Lerouge, A. Driouich and J. C. Mollet (2017). "
Holaphyllamine, a steroid, is able to induce defense responses in Arabidopsis thaliana and increases resistance against bacterial infection."
Planta 246(6): 1109-1124.
Garçon, L.-A., M. Genua, Y. Hou, A. Buhot, R. Calemczuk, T. Livache, M. Billon, C. Le Narvor, D. Bonnaffé, H. Lortat-Jacob and Y. Hou (2017). "
A Versatile Electronic Tongue Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging and Cross-Reactive Sensor Arrays—A Mini-Review."
Sensors 17(5): 1046.
Jagu, E., S. Pomel, A. Diez-Martinez, F. Ramiandrasoa, R. L. Krauth-Siegel, S. Pethe, C. Blonski, R. Labruere and P. M. Loiseau (2017).
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