Appels à projets "New Group Leader"
In order to strengthen and expand its research areas, the LERMIT is launching an international call for outstanding investigators, willing to establish an independent research team within one of the LERMIT partner laboratories.
The added value of the new group leader's proposal to current LERMIT' projects will be an important selection criterion.
No call to come.
Download HERE the content of the call 2016.
Eligibility :
- Candidates of any nationality, with strong track record
- Candidates already having a permanent position and/or having already a constitued team can apply
- By the application deadline, candidates shall not have been hosted by the LERMIT partner laboratory for more than 12 months.
Offer :
- laboratory space
- access to basic laboratory equipment and on‐campus facilities including technology platforms
- start-up package (can be used for operating costs or salaries)
- assistance in applications for National and European programs (Inserm, ANR, ATIP‐Avenir, Equipes FRM, ERC...) and/or for a French academic research position
Procedure/agenda :
1) Identification of the host LERMIT laboratory
2) Submission of a pre-proposal
Content of the pre-proposal : (unique PDF, Arial 11pts, single space)
- summary of the project (4 pages max)
- description of past and present research activities (2 pages max)
- CV
- full list of publications
- letter of support from the head of the chosen LERMIT host laboratory
3) Interviews of short-listed candidates