Groupes projets

Groupes Formation    Groupe Attractivité    Groupes Recherche    Groupe Valorisation



Membres :
Marc Pallardy - UMR-S 996
Rodolphe Fischmeister - UMR-S 1180 (ex 769)
David Bonnaffé - UMR 8182
Erwan Poupon - UMR 8076
Elias Fattal - UMR 8612
Delphine Mika - UMR-S 1180
Christine Bourgeois- UMR 1184
Raquel Diaz Lopez - LERMIT
Aurélie Lando - LERMIT
Fadia Moussouni- LERMIT




Membres :

Saadia Kerdine-Romer- UMR-S996
Sylvia Cohen-Kaminsky - UMR-S 999
Samir Messaoudi - UMR 8076
Françoise Bachelerie - UMR-S 996
Alexandre Maciuk - UMR 8076
Rodolphe Fischmeister - UMR-S 1180 (ex UMR-S 769)
Catherine Guillou - UPR 2301
Daniel Gillet - CEA DRF Joliot SIMOPRO
David Bonnaffé - UMR 8182
Mahel Zeghouf - UMR 8113
Clara Nahmias- UMR-S 981
Eric Morel- UMR-S 1180
Nelly Morelet- UPR 2301
Hervé Hillaireau - UMR 8612
Jean-Luc Perfettini - UMR-S 1030
Remy Bonnin - EA 7361



Jean-Daniel-Brion - UMR 8076
Mouad Alami - UMR 8076  


Bernard Maillère - Institut des Sciences du Vivant Frédéric Joliot - CEA DRF Joliot SIMOPRO
Sandrine Ongeri - UMR 8076


Elias Fattal - UMR 8612
Vincent Dive - Institut des Sciences du Vivant Frédéric Joliot - CEA DRF Joliot SIMOPRO


GMED: Groupe "Maturation, Early Drugability"

Sylviane LESIEUR (UMR 8612: Partner 16)
      (delivery, nanoparticles, imaging...)
 Marc PALLARDY (UMR-S 996: Partner 3)
      ( toxicology and reglementary affairs....)
Jean-Daniel BRION (UMR 8076: Partner15)
      (medicinal chemistry, with big pharma experience...)
Bernard MAILLERE (CEA, DRF Joliot SIMOPRO Partner 11)
      (therapeutic protein development...)
Joël VACUS (CEO Drugabilis)
      (physico-chemistry analysis in earl pharmaceutical drugability, physicochemical characterization, early formulation and solid state of drug compound, with biotech & big pharma experience...)
Serge MIGNANI (Consultant)
      (expert in medicinal chemistry, ex-Sanofi: Head of the Medicinal Chemistry Department and Scientific Director)
Mathieu GUTMANN (SATT Paris-Saclay)
      (pharmacology vivo-vitro, CRO study management, with biotech experience)


      ( Drug delivery formulations, biological formulations,physicochemical characterization, project management within CRO and big pharma experience)

Angelo PACI (Gustave Roussy, UMR CNRS 8203)
      (pharmacology, oncology and drug analysis)

Henri BENECH (CEA/DRF/JOLIOT)           

     (Development of industrial affairs, maturation of innovative projects)