Publications équipes
Publications 2014
Dubost E, Dognon JP, Rousseau B, Milanole G, Dugave C, Boulard Y, Leonce E, Boutin C, Berthault P: Understanding a Host-Guest Model System through Xe NMR Spectroscopic Experiments and Theoretical Studies. Angewandte Chemie 2014.
Hubert F, Belacel-Ouari M, Manoury B, Zhai K, Domergue-Dupont V, Mateo P, Joubert F, Fischmeister R, Leblais V: Alteration of vascular reactivity in heart failure: Role of phosphodiesterases type 3 and 4. British journal of pharmacology 2014.
Eyries M, Montani D, Girerd B, Perret C, Leroy A, Lonjou C, Chelghoum N, Coulet F, Bonnet D, Dorfmuller P et al: EIF2AK4 mutations cause pulmonary veno-occlusive disease, a recessive form of pulmonary hypertension. Nature genetics 2014, 46(1):65-69.
Cazabat L, Ragazzon B, Varin A, Potier-Cartereau M, Vandier C, Vezzosi D, Risk-Rabin M, Guellich A, Schittl J, Lechene P et al: Inactivation of the Carney complex gene 1 (PRKAR1A) alters spatiotemporal regulation of cAMP and cAMP-dependent protein kinase: a study using genetically encoded FRET-based reporters. Human molecular genetics 2014, 23(5):1163-1174.
Louguet S, Verret V, Bedouet L, Servais E, Pascale F, Wassef M, Labarre D, Laurent A, Moine L: Poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate hydrolyzable microspheres for transient vascular embolization. Acta biomaterialia 2014, 10(3):1194-1205.
George PM, Oliver E, Dorfmuller P, Dubois OD, Reed DM, Kirkby NS, Mohamed NA, Perros F, Antigny F, Fadel E et al: Evidence for the involvement of type I interferon in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Circulation research 2014, 114(4):677-688.
Bachelerie F, Graham GJ, Locati M, Mantovani A, Murphy PM, Nibbs R, Rot A, Sozzani S, Thelen M: New nomenclature for atypical chemokine receptors. Nature immunology 2014, 15(3):207-208.
Ricard N, Tu L, Le Hiress M, Huertas A, Phan C, Thuillet R, Sattler C, Seferian A, Fadel E, Montani D et al: Increased Pericyte Coverage Mediated by Endothelial Derived FGF-2 and IL-6 is a Source of Smooth Muscle-Like Cells in Pulmonary Hypertension. Circulation 2014.
Azmi MN, Geny C, Leverrier A, Litaudon M, Dumontet V, Birlirakis N, Gueritte F, Leong KH, Halim SN, Mohamad K et al: Kingianic acids A-G, Endiandric acid analogues from Endiandra kingiana. Molecules 2014, 19(2):1732-1747.
Ko A, Kanehisa A, Martins I, Senovilla L, Chargari C, Dugue D, Marino G, Kepp O, Michaud M, Perfettini JL et al: Autophagy inhibition radiosensitizes in vitro, yet reduces radioresponses in vivo due to deficient immunogenic signalling. Cell Death Differ 2014, 21(1):92-99.
Dubois A, Deuve JL, Navarro P, Merzouk S, Pichard S, Commere P-H, Louise A, Arnaud D, Avner P, Morey C: Spontaneous Reactivation of Clusters of X-Linked Genes Is Associated with the Plasticity of X-Inactivation in Mouse Trophoblast Stem Cells. STEM CELLS 2014, 32(2):377-390.
Montani D, Chaumais M-C, Guignabert C, Günther S, Girerd B, Jaïs X, Algalarrondo V, Price LC, Savale L, Sitbon O et al: Targeted therapies in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2014, 141(2):172-191.
Pashov AD, Calvez T, Gilardin L, Maillère B, Repessé Y, Oldenburg J, Pavlova A, Kaveri SV, Lacroix-Desmazes S, consortium A: In silico calculated affinity of FVIII-derived peptides for HLA class II alleles predicts inhibitor development in haemophilia A patients with missense mutations in the F8 gene. Haemophilia 2014, 20(2):176-184.
Bony NF, Libong D, Solgadi A, Bleton J, Champy P, Malan AK, Chaminade P: Establishing high temperature gas chromatographic profiles of non-polar metabolites for quality assessment of African traditional herbal medicinal products. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2014, 88(0):542-551.
Doménech-Carbó A, Cebrián-Torrejón G, de Miguel L, Tordera V, Rodrigues-Furtado D, Assad-Kahn S, Fournet A, Figadère B, Vázquez-Manrique RP, Poupon E: dsDNA, ssDNA, G-quadruplex DNA, and nucleosomal DNA electrochemical screening using canthin-6-one alkaloid-modified electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 2014, 115(0):546-552.
Kadar H, Le Douaron G, Amar M, Ferrié L, Figadère B, Touboul D, Brunelle A, Raisman-Vozari R: MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging of 1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) in Mouse Brain. Neurotox Res 2014, 25(1):135-145.
Lewin G: A straightforward access to neohesperidose from naringin by acetolysis. Comparative behaviour of some flavonoid neohesperidosides and rutinosides under acetolysis. Tetrahedron 2014, 70(7):1492-1496.
Yamada ES, Respondek G, Müssner S, de Andrade A, Höllerhage M, Depienne C, Rastetter A, Tarze A, Friguet B, Salama M et al: Annonacin, a natural lipophilic mitochondrial complex I inhibitor, increases phosphorylation of tau in the brain of FTDP-17 transgenic mice. Experimental Neurology 2014, 253(0):113-125.
Nakouzi NA, Cotteret S, Commo F, Gaudin C, Rajpar S, Dessen P, Vielh P, Fizazi K, Chauchereau A: Targeting CDC25C, PLK1 and CHEK1 to overcome Docetaxel resistance induced by loss of LZTS1 in prostate cancer. Oncotarget 2014, 5(3):667-678.
Tufo G, Jones AWE, Wang Z, Hamelin J, Tajeddine N, Esposti DD, Martel C, Boursier C, Gallerne C, Migdal C et al: The protein disulfide isomerases PDIA4 and PDIA6 mediate resistance to cisplatin-induced cell death in lung adenocarcinoma. Cell Death Differ 2014.
Colas C, Iorga B: Virtual screening of the SAMPL4 blinded HIV integrase inhibitors dataset. Journal of computer-aided molecular design 2014:1-8.
Zhai K, Chang Y, Wei B, Liu Q, Leblais V, Fischmeister R, Ji G: Phosphodiesterase types 3 and 4 regulate the phasic contraction of neonatal rat bladder smooth myocytes via distinct mechanisms. Cellular Signalling 2014, 26(5):1001-1010.
Clarysse L, Guéguinou M, Potier-Cartereau M, Vandecasteele G, Bougnoux P, Chevalier S, Chantôme A, Vandier C: cAMP–PKA inhibition of SK3 channel reduced both Ca2+ entry and cancer cell migration by regulation of SK3–Orai1 complex. Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol 2014:1-12.
Ricard N, Tu L, Le Hiress M, Huertas A, Phan C, Thuillet R, Sattler C, Seferian A, Fadel E, Montani D et al: Increased Pericyte Coverage Mediated by Endothelial Derived FGF-2 and IL-6 is a Source of Smooth Muscle-Like Cells in Pulmonary Hypertension. Circulation 2014.
Voelkel NF, Humbert M: Translational research in pulmonary hypertension: challenge and opportunity. European Respiratory Journal 2014, 43(2):325-328.
Jusseau X, Chabaud L, Guillou C: Synthesis of γ-butenolides and α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactams by addition of vinylogous nucleophiles to Michael acceptors. Tetrahedron 2014, 70(16):2595-2615.
Azmi M, Gény C, Leverrier A, Litaudon M, Dumontet V, Birlirakis N, Guéritte F, Leong K, Halim S, Mohamad K et al: Kingianic Acids A–G, Endiandric Acid Analogues from Endiandra kingiana. Molecules 2014, 19(2):1732-1747.
Laviolette L, Laveneziana P, Faculty obotERS: Dyspnoea: a multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach. European Respiratory Journal 2014.
Jawale DV, Gravel E, Geertsen V, Li H, Shah N, Namboothiri INN, Doris E: Aerobic Oxidation of Phenols and Related Compounds using Carbon Nanotube–Gold Nanohybrid Catalysts. ChemCatChem 2014, 6(3):719-723.
Haj Slimane Z, Bedioune I, Lechêne P, Varin A, Lefebvre F, Mateo P, Domergue-Dupont V, Dewenter M, Richter W, Conti M et al: Control of cytoplasmic and nuclear protein kinase A by phosphodiesterases and phosphatases in cardiac myocytes. Cardiovascular research 2014.
Beckstein O, Fourrier A, Iorga B: Prediction of hydration free energies for the SAMPL4 diverse set of compounds using molecular dynamics simulations with the OPLS-AA force field. Journal of computer-aided molecular design 2014:1-12.
Maksimenko A, Alami M, Zouhiri F, Brion J-D, Pruvost A, Mougin J, Hamze A, Boissenot T, Provot O, Desmaële D et al: Therapeutic Modalities of Squalenoyl Nanocomposites in Colon Cancer: An Ongoing Search for Improved Efficacy. ACS nano 2014, 8(3):2018-2032.
Tranchant I, Vera L, Czarny B, Amoura M, Cassar E, Beau F, Stura Enrico A, Dive V: Halogen Bonding Controls Selectivity of FRET Substrate Probes for MMP-9. Chemistry & biology 2014, 21(3):408-413.
Perrin S, Montani D, Guignabert C, Savale L, Sitbon O, Simmoneau G, Humbert M, Chaumais M: PS-008 Exposure to vasoconstrictor nasal decongestants in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice 2014, 21(Suppl 1):A146-A147.
Fattal E, Tsapis N: Nanomedicine technology: current achievements and new trends. Clin Transl Imaging 2014, 2(1):77-87.
Doris E: Total Syntheses of (±)-Aspidophylline A. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2014:n/a-n/a.
Previlon M, Pezet M, Vinet L, Mercadier JJ, Rouet-Benzineb P: Gender-Specific Potential Inhibitory Role of Ca2+/Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase Phosphatase (CaMKP) in Pressure-Overloaded Mouse Heart. PloS one 2014, 9(3):e90822.
Povie G, Tran A-T, Bonnaffé D, Habegger J, Hu Z, Le Narvor C, Renaud P: Repairing the Thiol-Ene Coupling Reaction. Angewandte Chemie 2014, 126(15):3975-3979.
Sitbon O, Jaїs X, Savale L, Cottin V, Bergot E, Macari EA, Bouvaist H, Dauphin C, Picard F, Bulifon S et al: Upfront triple combination therapy in pulmonary arterial hypertension: a pilot study. European Respiratory Journal 2014.
Soussi MA, Provot O, Bernadat G, Bignon J, Wdzieczak-Bakala J, Desravines D, Dubois J, Brion J-D, Messaoudi S, Alami M: Discovery of azaisoerianin derivatives as potential antitumors agents. European journal of medicinal chemistry 2014, 78(0):178-189.
Diou O, Fattal E, Payen T, Bridal SL, Valette J, Tsapis N: Nanocapsules of perfluorooctyl bromide for theranostics: from formulation to in vivo targeting. SPIE Proceedings 2014, 8955:895514-895514-895517.
Huertas A, Perros F, Tu L, Cohen-Kaminsky S, Montani D, Dorfmüller P, Guignabert C, Humbert M: Immune Dysregulation and Endothelial Dysfunction in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Complex Interplay. Circulation 2014, 129(12):1332-1340.
Karaki S, Garcia G, Tcherakian C, Capel F, Tran T, Pallardy M, Humbert M, Emilie D, Godot V: Enhanced glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper in dendritic cells induces allergen-specific regulatory CD4 T-cells in respiratory allergies. Allergy 2014.
Tufo G, Jones AW, Wang Z, Hamelin J, Tajeddine N, Esposti DD, Martel C, Boursier C, Gallerne C, Migdal C et al: The protein disulfide isomerases PDIA4 and PDIA6 mediate resistance to cisplatin-induced cell death in lung adenocarcinoma. Cell Death Differ 2014, 21(5):685-695.
Perez T, Garcia G, Roche N, Bautin N, Chambellan A, Chaouat A, Court-Fortune I, Delclaux B, Guenard H, Jebrak G et al: [Societe de pneumologie de langue francaise. Guidelines for clinical practice. Management of COPD. Update 2012: Pulmonary function tests (Summary)]. Revue des maladies respiratoires 2014, 31(1):85-90.
Colas C, Iorga BI: Virtual screening of the SAMPL4 blinded HIV integrase inhibitors dataset. Journal of computer-aided molecular design 2014, 28(4):455-462.
Launay D, Savale L, Berezne A, Le Pavec J, Hachulla E, Mouthon L, Sitbon O, Lambert B, Gaudric M, Jais X et al: Lung and heart-lung transplantation for systemic sclerosis patients. A monocentric experience of 13 patients, review of the literature and position paper of a multidisciplinary Working Group. Presse medicale 2014.
Decamps S, Sevaille L, Ongeri S, Crousse B: Access to novel functionalized trifluoromethyl beta-lactams by ring expansion of aziridines. Organic & biomolecular chemistry 2014.
C EM, Barbet R, Jacquet E, Munoz Guijosa C, Baczko I, Maier L, Fischmeister R, Garnier A: P334Identification of suitable reference genes for gene expression studies in normal and pathological human heart tissues. Cardiovascular research 2014, 103 Suppl 1:S61.
Guilbert A, Prola A, Ventura-Clapier V, Lemaire C: P79Sirt1 modulates endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced autophagy in heart. Cardiovascular research 2014, 103 Suppl 1:S13.
Favaudon V, Caplier L, Monceau V, Pouzoulet F, Sayarath M, Fouillade C, Poupon MF, Brito I, Hupe P, Bourhis J et al: Ultrahigh dose-rate FLASH irradiation increases the differential response between normal and tumor tissue in mice. Science translational medicine 2014, 6(245):245ra293.
Shao D, Perros F, Caramori G, Meng C, Dormuller P, Chou PC, Church C, Papi A, Casolari P, Welsh D et al: Nuclear IL-33 regulates soluble ST2 receptor and IL-6 expression in primary human arterial endothelial cells and is decreased in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2014.
Manders E, Bogaard HJ, Handoko ML, van de Veerdonk MC, Keogh A, Westerhof N, Stienen GJ, Dos Remedios CG, Humbert M, Dorfmuller P et al: Contractile dysfunction of left ventricular cardiomyocytes in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2014, 64(1):28-37.
Audisio D, Methy-Gonnot D, Radanyi C, Renoir JM, Denis S, Sauvage F, Vergnaud-Gauduchon J, Brion JD, Messaoudi S, Alami M: Synthesis and antiproliferative activity of novobiocin analogues as potential hsp90 inhibitors. European journal of medicinal chemistry 2014, 83C:498-507.
Roustit M, Fonrose X, Montani D, Girerd B, Stanke-Labesque F, Gonnet N, Humbert M, Cracowski JL: CYP2C9, SLCO1B1, SLCO1B3, and ABCB11 polymorphisms in patients with bosentan-induced liver toxicity. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 2014, 95(6):583-585.
Sancey L, Lux F, Kotb S, Roux S, Dufort S, Bianchi A, Cremillieux Y, Fries P, Coll JL, Rodriguez-Lafrasse C et al: The use of theranostic gadolinium-based nanoprobes to improve radiotherapy efficacy. The British journal of radiology 2014:20140134.
Hentz A, Retailleau P, Gandon V, Cariou K, Dodd RH: Transition-Metal-Free Tunable Chemoselective N Functionalization of Indoles with Ynamides. Angewandte Chemie 2014.
Desrat S, Remeur C, Geny C, Riviere G, Colas C, Dumontet V, Birlirakis N, Iorga BI, Roussi F: From meiogynin A to the synthesis of dual inhibitors of Bcl-xL and Mcl-1 anti-apoptotic proteins. Chemical communications 2014, 50(62):8593-8596.
Gore B, Izikki M, Mercier O, Dewachter L, Fadel E, Humbert M, Dartevelle P, Simonneau G, Naeije R, Lebrin F et al: Key Role of the Endothelial TGF-beta/ALK1/Endoglin Signaling Pathway in Humans and Rodents Pulmonary Hypertension. PloS one 2014, 9(6):e100310.
Marchant DJ, Bellac CL, Moraes TJ, Wadsworth SJ, Dufour A, Butler GS, Bilawchuk LM, Hendry RG, Robertson AG, Cheung CT et al: A new transcriptional role for matrix metalloproteinase-12 in antiviral immunity. Nature medicine 2014, 20(5):493-502.
Rabinovitch M, Guignabert C, Humbert M, Nicolls MR: Inflammation and immunity in the pathogenesis of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Circulation research 2014, 115(1):165-175.
Moreno L, Berenguer I, Diaz A, Marin P, Parraga J, Caignard DH, Figadere B, Cabedo N, Cortes D: Synthesis of new melatoninergic hexahydroindenopyridines. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 2014, 24(15):3534-3536.
Chaumais MC, Ranchoux B, Montani D, Dorfmuller P, Tu L, Lecerf F, Raymond N, Guignabert C, Price L, Simonneau G et al: N-acetylcysteine improves established monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in rats. Respiratory research 2014, 15:65.
Bousquet J, Addis A, Adcock I, Agache I, Agusti A, Alonso A, Annesi-Maesano I, Anto JM, Bachert C, Baena-Cagnani CE et al: Integrated care pathways for airway diseases (AIRWAYS-ICPs). The European respiratory journal 2014.
Molina CE, Johnson DM, Mehel H, Spatjens RL, Mika D, Algalarrondo V, Slimane ZH, Lechene P, Abi-Gerges N, van der Linde HJ et al: Interventricular differences in beta-adrenergic responses in the canine heart: role of phosphodiesterases. Journal of the American Heart Association 2014, 3(3):e000858.
Gupta N, Pons V, Noel R, Buisson DA, Michau A, Johannes L, Gillet D, Barbier J, Cintrat JC: (S)-N-Methyldihydroquinazolinones are the Active Enantiomers of Retro-2 Derived Compounds against Toxins. ACS Med Chem Lett 2014, 5(1):94-97.
Rain S, Bos Dda S, Handoko ML, Westerhof N, Stienen G, Ottenheijm C, Goebel M, Dorfmuller P, Guignabert C, Humbert M et al: Protein changes contributing to right ventricular cardiomyocyte diastolic dysfunction in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Journal of the American Heart Association 2014, 3(3):e000716.
Montani D, Bertoletti L, Chaumais MC, Perrin S, Fabre D, Chaouat A, Jais X, Simonneau G, Humbert M: Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension complicating long-term cyproterone acetate therapy. European respiratory review : an official journal of the European Respiratory Society 2014, 23(132):260-263.
Galluzzi L, Vitale I, Michels J, Brenner C, Szabadkai G, Harel-Bellan A, Castedo M, Kroemer G: Systems biology of cisplatin resistance: past, present and future. Cell death & disease 2014, 5:e1257.
Huertas A, Perros F, Tu L, Cohen-Kaminsky S, Montani D, Dorfmuller P, Guignabert C, Humbert M: Immune dysregulation and endothelial dysfunction in pulmonary arterial hypertension: a complex interplay. Circulation 2014, 129(12):1332-1340.
Keita M, Kaffy J, Troufflard C, Morvan E, Crousse B, Ongeri S: (19)F NMR monitoring of the eukaryotic 20S proteasome chymotrypsin-like activity: an investigative tool for studying allosteric regulation. Organic & biomolecular chemistry 2014, 12(26):4576-4581.
Czarny B, Georgin D, Berthon F, Plastow G, Pinault M, Patriarche G, Thuleau A, L'Hermite MM, Taran F, Dive V: Carbon nanotube translocation to distant organs after pulmonary exposure: insights from in situ (14)c-radiolabeling and tissue radioimaging. ACS nano 2014, 8(6):5715-5724.
Freitas C, Desnoyer A, Meuris F, Bachelerie F, Balabanian K, Machelon V: The relevance of the chemokine receptor ACKR3/CXCR7 on CXCL12-mediated effects in cancers with a focus on virus-related cancers. Cytokine & growth factor reviews 2014, 25(3):307-316.
Mousnier L, Huang N, Morvan E, Fattal E, Tsapis N: Influence of polymer end-chemistry on the morphology of perfluorohexane polymeric microcapsules intended as ultrasound contrast agents. International journal of pharmaceutics 2014, 471(1-2):10-17.
Skiredj A, Beniddir MA, Joseph D, Leblanc K, Bernadat G, Evanno L, Poupon E: Spontaneous Biomimetic Formation of (+/-)-Dictazole B under Irradiation with Artificial Sunlight. Angewandte Chemie 2014, 53(25):6419-6424.
Chahid B, Vander Elst L, Flament J, Boumezbeur F, Medina C, Port M, Muller RN, Lesieur S: Entrapment of a neutral Tm(III)-based complex with two inner-sphere coordinated water molecules into PEG-stabilized vesicles: towards an alternative strategy to develop high-performance LipoCEST contrast agents for MR imaging. Contrast media & molecular imaging 2014.
Guellich A, Mehel H, Fischmeister R: Cyclic AMP synthesis and hydrolysis in the normal and failing heart. Pflugers Archiv : European journal of physiology 2014, 466(6):1163-1175.
Myhren L, Nilssen IM, Nicolas V, Doskeland SO, Barratt G, Herfindal L: Efficacy of multi-functional liposomes containing daunorubicin and emetine for treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia. European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik eV 2014.
Cohen-Kaminsky S, Hautefort A, Price L, Humbert M, Perros F: Inflammation in pulmonary hypertension: what we know and what we could logically and safely target first. Drug discovery today 2014.
Dang BT, Geny C, Blanchard P, Rouger C, Tonnerre P, Charreau B, Rakolomalala G, Randriamboavonjy JI, Loirand G, Pacaud P et al: Advanced glycation inhibition and protection against endothelial dysfunction induced by coumarins and procyanidins from Mammea neurophylla. Fitoterapia 2014, 96:65-75.
Steriade A, Seferian A, Jais X, Savale L, Jutant EM, Parent F, Sitbon O, Humbert M, Simonneau G, Montani D: The potential for macitentan, a new dual endothelin receptor antagonist, in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Therapeutic advances in respiratory disease 2014, 8(3):84-92.
Monceau V, Llach A, Azria D, Bridier A, Petit B, Mazevet M, Strup-Perrot C, To TH, Calmels L, Germaini MM et al: Epac contributes to cardiac hypertrophy and amyloidosis induced by radiotherapy but not fibrosis. Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2014, 111(1):63-71.
Ghigna MR, Hamdi S, Petitpretz P, Rohnean A, Florea V, Mussot S, Dartevelle P, Dorfmuller P, Tu L, Thuillet R et al: Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma of the pulmonary artery: a multidisciplinary discussion. Histopathology 2014, 65(2):278-282.
Yamada ES, Respondek G, Mussner S, de Andrade A, Hollerhage M, Depienne C, Rastetter A, Tarze A, Friguet B, Salama M et al: Annonacin, a natural lipophilic mitochondrial complex I inhibitor, increases phosphorylation of tau in the brain of FTDP-17 transgenic mice. Exp Neurol 2014, 253:113-125.
Soussi MA, Provot O, Bernadat G, Bignon J, Wdzieczak-Bakala J, Desravines D, Dubois J, Brion JD, Messaoudi S, Alami M: Discovery of azaisoerianin derivatives as potential antitumors agents. European journal of medicinal chemistry 2014, 78:178-189.
Bensassi F, Gallerne C, Sharaf el Dein O, Hajlaoui MR, Lemaire C, Bacha H: In vitro investigation of toxicological interactions between the fusariotoxins deoxynivalenol and zearalenone. Toxicon 2014, 84:1-6.
Perez T, Garcia G, Roche N, Bautin N, Chambellan A, Chaouat A, Court-Fortune I, Delclaux B, Guenard H, Jebrak G et al: [Societe de Pneumologie de Langue Francaise. Guidelines for clinical practice. Management of COPD. Update 2012: Pulmonary function tests. Full length text]. Revue des maladies respiratoires 2014, 31(3):263-294.
Ortega H, Chupp G, Bardin P, Bourdin A, Garcia G, Hartley B, Yancey S, Humbert M: The role of mepolizumab in atopic and nonatopic severe asthma with persistent eosinophilia. The European respiratory journal 2014, 44(1):239-241.
Ma Y, Mattarollo SR, Adjemian S, Yang H, Aymeric L, Hannani D, Portela Catani JP, Duret H, Teng MW, Kepp O et al: CCL2/CCR2-dependent recruitment of functional antigen-presenting cells into tumors upon chemotherapy. Cancer Res 2014, 74(2):436-445.
Sitbon O, Jais X, Savale L, Cottin V, Bergot E, Macari EA, Bouvaist H, Dauphin C, Picard F, Bulifon S et al: Upfront triple combination therapy in pulmonary arterial hypertension: a pilot study. The European respiratory journal 2014, 43(6):1691-1697.
Povie G, Tran AT, Bonnaffe D, Habegger J, Hu Z, Le Narvor C, Renaud P: Repairing the thiol-ene coupling reaction. Angewandte Chemie 2014, 53(15):3894-3898.
Boulate D, Perros F, Dorfmuller P, Arthur J, Guihaire J, Lamrani L, Decante B, Humbert M, Eddahibi S, Dartevelle P et al: Pulmonary Microvascular Lesions Regress in Reperfused Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension. The Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation 2014.
Claire N, Julia S, Claire P, Hind M, Delphine C, Jean-Christophe J, Thierry C, Jean-Paul B, Claire C, Bogdan I I et al: 0310 Assay development and high-throughput screening to identify PDE2A activators to treat heart failure. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements 2014, 6, Supplement 1(0):43.
Genua M, Garçon L-A, Mounier V, Wehry H, Buhot A, Billon M, Calemczuk R, Bonnaffé D, Hou Y, Livache T: SPR imaging based electronic tongue via landscape images for complex mixture analysis. Talanta 2014, 130(0):49-54.
Yan L-H, Skiredj A, Dory Y, Delpech B, Poupon E: 5-Aminopenta-2,4-dienals: Synthesis, Activation towards Nucleophiles, Molecular Modeling and Biosynthetic Implications in Relation to the Manzamine Alkaloids. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2014:n/a-n/a.
Bedioune I, Vandecasteele G: 0125: Control of cytoplasmic and nuclear PKA activity by β1- and β2-adrenoceptors in cardiac myocytes: role of phosphodiesterases. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements 2014, 6, Supplement 1(0):61.
Shah N, Gravel E, Jawale DV, Doris E, Namboothiri INN: Carbon Nanotube–Gold Nanohybrid Catalyzed N-Formylation of Amines by using Aqueous Formaldehyde. ChemCatChem 2014:n/a-n/a.
E Molina C, Barbet R, Jacquet E, Munoz Guijosa C, Baczko I, Maier L, Fischmeister R, Garnier A: P334Identification of suitable reference genes for gene expression studies in normal and pathological human heart tissues. Cardiovascular research 2014, 103(suppl 1):S61.
Audisio D, Methy-Gonnot D, Radanyi C, Renoir J-M, Denis S, Sauvage F, Vergnaud-Gauduchon J, Brion J-D, Messaoudi S, Alami M: Synthesis and antiproliferative activity of novobiocin analogues as potential hsp90 inhibitors. European journal of medicinal chemistry 2014, 83(0):498-507.
Anilkumar P, Gravel E, Theodorou I, Gombert K, Thézé B, Ducongé F, Doris E: Nanometric Micelles with Photo-Triggered Cytotoxicity. Advanced Functional Materials 2014:n/a-n/a.
Milcent T, Hao J, Kawada K, Soloshonok VA, Ongeri S, Crousse B: Highly Stereoselective aza-Baylis–Hillman Reactions of CF3-Sulfinylimines: Straightforward Access to α-Methylene β-CF3 β-Amino Acids. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2014, 2014(15):3072-3075.
Myhren L, Nilssen IM, Nicolas V, Døskeland SO, Barratt G, Herfindal L: Efficacy of multi-functional liposomes containing daunorubicin and emetine for treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 2014(0).
Leyssen P, Smadja J, Rasoanaivo P, Gurib-Fakim A, Mahomoodally MF, Canard B, Guillemot J-C, Litaudon M, Guéritte F: Biodiversity as a Source of Potent and Selective Inhibitors of Chikungunya Virus Replication. Novel Plant Bioresources 2014:151-161.
Angelov B, Angelova A, Filippov SK, Drechsler M, Štěpánek P, Lesieur S: Multicompartment Lipid Cubic Nanoparticles with High Protein Upload: Millisecond Dynamics of Formation. ACS nano 2014, 8(5):5216-5226.
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