International Chair of Therapeutic Innovation (ICTI)
LERMIT develops a program consisting of cutting edge presentations on topics in the field of drug discovery and development.
The goal is to make of LERMIT a unique cluster of expertise where high level scientific exchanges take place. The program consists in 6-8 courses a year given on a monthly basis by a well-recognized scientist in any given field.
Invited scientists stay for two consecutive days allowing the organization of informal meetings with LERMIT's scientists. The annual program will be modified each year and the LERMIT representative members in charge of the program will also change each year according to the topic selected by the "Educational and scientific committee". Examples of topics that could be selected are: specific drug targeting today, disease-driven novel therapeutic avenues for cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, new approaches for the development of safe and efficient nanomedicines, etc.
The International Chair of Therapeutic Innovation is a monthly program aiming at providing our community an opportunity to meet and interact during two consecutive days with a high-profile scientist, who is internationally recognized as an expert in a research field connected with those developed within LERMIT.
The basic format of the International Chair of Therapeutic Innovation is as follows:
- Thursday AM: arrival in Paris and commuting to one of LERMIT's location in the south Paris suburb. Lunch.
- Thursday PM: Laboratory visit, and first informal meeting and discussion with colleagues.
- Thursday evening: diner with a group of 4-6 colleagues from different LERMIT partner laboratories.
- Friday AM: transfer to a different LERMIT location. Laboratory visit, and second informal meeting and discussion with colleagues.
- Friday noon: Catered lunch with 10-15 PhD students and post-docs from LERMIT.
- Friday PM: Guest Lecture followed by discussion and meeting with colleagues.
- Friday evening: diner with another group of 4-6 colleagues from different LERMIT partner laboratories.
- Saturday AM: end of visit.
Next speakers
Thursday 29 and Friday 30, August 2019
Prof. Donald BERS
Department of Pharmacology, University of California, Davis, USA.
"Cardiac Calmodulin and CaMKII signaling in Heart Failure in Arrhythmias" Link to biosketch
Invited scientists
Thursday 12 and Friday 13, October 2017
Prof. Herman Overkleeft
Leidner Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, The Netherlands
"Activity-based glycosidease profiling in biomedicine and biotechnology"
Link to biosketch(pdf)
Thursday 6 and Friday 7, July 2017
Prof. Nicholas P. Morrell
Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge, United-Kingdom
"From genetic discoveries to new therapies in pulmonary arterial hypertension"
Link to biosketch (pdf)Thursday 24 and Friday 25, November 2016
Prof. Vladimir P. Torchilin
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Northweastern University, Boston, United-States
"Stimuli-sensitive combination nanopreparations for multidrug resistant cancer"
Link to biosketch (pdf)Thursday 13 and Friday 14, October 2016
Prof. Pierre Chaurand
Département de Chimie, Université de Montréal, Canada
"Imaging mass spectrometry, correlating molecular information to histology"
Link to biosketch (pdf)
Thusday 11 and Friday 12, February 2016
Prof. Maria José Alonso
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University ofSantiago de Compostella, Spain
"Polymer-based nanopharmaceuticals: a strategy to overcome drug biological barriers"
Thusday 14 and Friday 15, January 2016
Prof. Brian K. Schoichet
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, United-States
"A Metabolic Code for Cell Signaling"
Thusday 21 and Friday 22, May 2015
Sir Prof. Tom BLUNDELL
Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, United-Kingdom
"Genes, Structural Biology and Drug Discovery: Fighting the Emergence of Resistance in Cancer and Tuberculosis"
Thusday 26 and Friday 27, March 2015
Prof. Andreas J. KUNGL
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Graz, Austria
"Developing novel glycan-targeting biopharmaceuticals: from academia to biotech industry"
Thusday 5 and Friday 6, February 2015
Prof. Samuel Gellman
Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, United-States
"Mimicry of Polypeptide Recognition Surfaces with Foldamers"
Thursday 11 and Friday 12, September 2014
Prof. Stephen L. ARCHER
Head of Medicine at Queen's University, Kingston Ontario, Canada
"Mitochondrial Dynamics: An Emerging Mechanism of Human Disease"
Link to biosketch (pdf)
Thursday 10 and Frisday 11, July 2014
Prof. Hossam HAICK
The Department of Chemical Engineering and Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute,
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
“Artificially Intelligent Nanotechnology for Non-Invasive Diagnosis”
Link to biosketch (pdf)
Thursday 5 and Friday 6, June 2014
Prof. Rudolph JULIANO
UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina, Etats-Unis
" Enhancing the Pharmacological Effects of Antisense and siRNA "
Thursday 14 and Friday 15, November 2013
Prof. Mark SANSOM
Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biochemistry Unit
Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Oxford
"Molecular Simulations of Membrane Proteins: Lipid Interactions & Signalling"
Thursday 26 and Friday 27, September 2013
Dr. Laurent MEIJER
Station Biologique de Roscoff, France
ManRos Therapeutics
Two chemical/biological approaches to Alzheimer's disease: prevention (Aftins) and therapy (Leucettines)
Thursday 27, Friday 28, June 2013
Dr. Carlo M. CROCE
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
The John W. Wolfe Chair in Human Cancer Genetics
"Causes and consequences of microRNA dysregulation in cancer"
Thursday 11, Friday 12, April 2013
Institute of Gender in Medicine (GiM)
Charité, Universitätsmedizin Berlin
"Gender Medicine - Innovations for Diagnostics and Therapy"
Thursday 21, Friday 22, February 2013
Prof. Gunda GEORG
Head, Department of Medicinal Chemistry
School of Pharmacy
University of Minnesota
"Recent progress in non-hormonal male contraception"
Thursday 19, Friday 20, April 2012
Prof. W. Jonathan LEDERER
Professor & Director
Center for Biomedical Engineering and Technology
University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA
& Professor of Physiology School of Medicine
University of Baltimore (USA)
"X-ROS in the heart : a novel nanoscopic signaling pathway"
Thursday 10, Friday 11, May 2012
Prof. Michel BOUVIER
Institut de Recherche en Immunologie et en Cancérologie
Laboratoire de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Signalisation Cellulaire
Département de Biochimie, Faculté de Médecine
Université de Montréal (Canada)
"La sélectivité fonctionnelle des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G sous lumière BRET : Implication pour la découverte des médicaments"
Thursday 7, Friday 8, June 2012
Professor Ulf LINDAHL
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology
University of Uppsala
SE-751 23 Uppsala (Suède)
"Pathophysiology of heparan sulfate: many diseases but few drugs"
Thursday 18, Friday 19, Octobre 2012
Prof. Gert STORM
Department of Pharmaceutics,, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
"Targeted Nanomedicines: From Design to Clinical Application"